Download mame daytona usa
Download mame daytona usa

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download mame daytona usa

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  • Hello everybody my name is mick ross ok i bring everybody the good news ok yes like everybody else i like daytona usa arcade game made by sega in year 1994 and i use to play it at pinball parlours at arcade shops in city on arcade version and there was all so out run made by sega in 1986 other car games like sega rally made by sega in 1995 and super sprint made by atari games in year 1986 and there is many more car games over the years in 1980s and 1990s ok and you can download and play all these car games that was on arcade on to your google android phone and computers and tablets but i think apple phones ios and other apple devices are been block by apple company to download 3rd party apps and maybe from some websites ok apple company only lets you download apps from apple store ios ok i know this because i had apple ios phone years ago and rang apple company to find out why i cant download apps from 3rd party other stores and they said all apple phones are block from 3rd party stores so i found out on youtube there was a way to unlock and unblock apple phones by using program called jail break ok but it could make phone work slow or cause other problems so i did not unlock apple phone and i dont think it is good idea to do so ok and i went back to using my google android phone and i can download 3rd party store apps on google android phones and from other websites ok now what i found out that old version game of daytona usa does not work on mame emulator on google android phone or computer ok but good news i bring that there is other version of daytona car game that does work on google android phones and computer and it use mame emulator ok and called daytona usa deluxe 93 ok the rom ok but game running slow and sound ok and picture ok and its 18 mb file ok and there other new version called daytona usa 2 power edition made in year 1998 ok and file is 85 mb ok but i try to run it on my mame emulator i got from google play store called mame4droid (0.

    Download mame daytona usa